Applied Informatics Group
- ผศ.ดร.จารี ทองคำ
นักวิจัย - อาจารย์
- ผศ.อนิรุทธิ์ โชติถนอม
- ผศ.ธนันชัย คำเกตุ
Research Interests
- Data mining
- Web mining
- Big data analysis
- Machine learning
Selected Publications
- JareeThongkam and Vatinee Sukmak. (2012). Bagging Random Tree for Analyzing Breast Cancer Survival, KKU Research Journal, Khon Kaen University 17(1), pp. 1-13.
- JareeThongkam and Vatinee Sukmak. (2012). Prostate Cancer Survivability Prediction Models via Rule-based Techniques, International Journal of Advancements in computing Technology, 4(20): 89-98.
- Vatinee Sukmak and JareeThongkam. (2013). Improving Quality of Breast Cancer Data through Pre-processing, KKU Engineering Journal, 40(4): 493-504
- Vatinee Sukmak and JareeThongkam. (2013). Costs of Inpatient Care for Schizophrenia at Khon Kaen Rajanagarindra Psychiatric Hospital. Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand: 58(4): 421-432.
- JareeThongkam and Vatinee Sukmak (2013). Cervical Cancer Survivability Prediction Models using Machine Learning Techniques, Journal of Convergence Information Technology, 8(15): 13-22.
- Vatinee Sukmak and JareeThongkam (2013). Effects of Different Payment Schemes on Actual Impatient Expenditures with Schizophrenia, Journal of Health Systems Research; 8(1):37-48.
- JareeThongkam and Vatinee Sukmak. (2014). Enhancing Decision Tree with AdaBoost for Predicting Schizophrenia Readmission, Advanced Materials Research, 931-932, 1467-1471.
- JareeThongkam, Vatinee Sukmak and Weerayut Mayusiri. (2015). A Comparison of Regression Analysis for Predicting the Daily Number of Anxiety-Related Outpatient Visits with Different Time Series Data Mining, KKU Engineering Journal, 42(3): 243-249.
- JareeThongkam and Vatinee Sukmak (2015). Colorectal Cancer Survivability Prediction Models: a Comparison of Six Rule Based Classification Techniques, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Volume 10, Number 24 (2015) pp 44387-44392.
- Jaree Thongkam and Vatinee Sukmak (2016). Predicting Schizophrenia at Risk of Readmissions in the Short- and Long-Term using Decision Tree Model, KKU Research Journal, 41(3).